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黑客组织Anonymous揭秘 回复中国用户提问(3)

2012-7-6 6:50:37创业邦 【字体:

Anonymous Analytics回复雪球用户的提问

7月4日雪球发起“向质疑$奇虎360(QIHU)$的Anonymous Analytics提问”活动,随后对大家的提问进行整理翻译,并统一发送Anonymous Analytics。

以下为Anonymous Analytics对大家提问的回应:

Anonymous Analytics的回信

First, please thank your community for their questions. We are happy to answer as many questions as they have until they either make up their mind that we are right, or that we are lying.


1) If AA as you said is not involved in any short selling, how you guys get profits?

We don’t discuss our sources of information, or our funding. However, we are not short sellers and have no interest if the stock price of the companies we report on fall or not. This is one of the reasons we never write follow-up reports. Our readers are free to read our view, and management's response and figure out who makes more sense. We do this mostly for the fun and challenge. We all have regular day jobs.



2) Which is the most reliable source to get internet traffic stats, Google Trends? Alexa or any others?

comScore is acknowledged to be the most reliable source of traffic data which is why the company can charge for its data. There are other good (free) sources out there, including Alexa and Compete. However, Compete is not very good for websites outside the US. In any case, comScore is recognized to be the most reliable source of information. This is why most of the big companies use comScore.

提问:你们认为,目前衡量网站流量的第三方公开产品中哪些产品衡量效果最为可靠?Google Trends、Alexa或者是其它?


3) Qihoo has 200-300 ads customers, how does the company prove its performance for the customers?

First, 200-300 is a huge range. If this is the range Qihoo gave, that’s already a warning sign. If you ask me how many siblings I have, I am not going to tell you “somewhere between 5 and 10.” I am going to give you a much more exact figure. Qihoo should know exactly how many people are paying them for their ad space.

In any case, we don’t believe Qihoo has as many customers as the Company claims. Most of the links on their site don’t have tracking tags, so it’s impossible for paying customers to know how many people are clicking on the links, which makes it impossible to figure out if it’s worth advertising with Qihoo. Qihoo responds to this by saying that many of their customers don’t use tracking tags because they saw consistent monthly traffic from and decided to remove the tracking tag. But this doesn’t make any sense because Qihoo reports explosive traffic volume every quarter. How can they claim traffic keeps increasing substantially every month, and also claim their clients removed the tracking tag because they saw consistent traffic? There is no logic to their statements.

As for the clients that they do have, it’s easy to tell them one thing and tell investors something else. For example, for new clients, they can tell them “hey, normally we charge this price (whatever they claim in their financial statements), but because you are new, we are going to give you a cheap price (the competitive price they actually charge)”. Then, to old clients they can turn and say “hey, you know, we are charging new guys so much more now, but because you are a long time client, we are going to keep giving you a discount.”

It is so easy to create a disconnect between customers and financial statements. Many fraudulent companies do that. This is not something unique.






4) Can you comment on the CPC ads system Qihoo will launch later, if the traffic volume is a fraud.

The CPC system is just talk right now, so there’s no point in putting too much weight on it. Qihoo has promised a lot of things and delivered very little. They promised an independent verification of their traffic 7 months ago and still nothing. No company on earth would take 7 months, especially an internet company that claims to be one of the biggest in China. If you asked us for independent verification of our website, we could have it for you in 2 months maximum. Maybe we should send our team over to Qihoo to help to speed up the process.



5) How did you get the comScore statistics as they didn't publish these data.

Our sources got them directly from comScore. comScore sells data to third parties. This is part of their business model. We have provided the information to several journalists who have corroborated our information. For example, we gave a copy of the information to Parmy Olson at Forbes Magazine who used it to write an article. Now, comScore has stopped providing them because they are in a very difficult situation. If they provide them to the public, they risk losing business with Qihoo and they risk a situation people can begin to use the comScore data against their clients.

提问:你是通过什么途径拿到 comScore 流量报告的?

回答:我们的线人直接从 comScore 手上获得这些报告的,comScore 有把数据卖给第三方,这是他们的商业模式之一。我们也把这些信息提供给了几位能证明我们判断的记者。例如,我们向《福布斯》杂志的记者 Parmy Olson 提供了这些资料,她据此写了一篇文章(。

现在,comScore 已经不再公开这些数据了,因为他们现在的处境很尴尬。如果 comScore 公开这些数据,他们将要承担失去奇虎这一客户的风险,日后,也可能越来越多人希望利用 comScore 的数据针对他们的客户。

(译注: Olson 与 Anonymous 有密切关系,她对这个组织进行了长达一年的调查,并据此出版了“We Are Anonymous: Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec”一书:。

6) What make you be interested in Qihoo and Zhou Hongyi?

We noticed Qihoo after several parties wrote articles on the company. We read the articles, and we read Qihoo’s response and found the responses very strange. We felt an internet company should provide more sophisticated responses than what they were giving. Also, we know a little bit about the internet and how IT works, so we thought we would look into the matter ourselves.



7) Is there any other chinese companies in your watchlist?

Not really. We are no longer looking at China. It’s not fair to only target Chinese companies when there are so many frauds in the West as well.



8) Qihu said the data you quoted is just " sampling data ", what's your response for that?

The comScore data we provided for was gathered using a tag method, which captures 100% of all traffic. This is not a sample. It’s all traffic. However, we compared data to Now, the data was gathered by sampling because does not have a comScore tag. But Qihoo has stated so many times that because of anti-virus software, sampling data actually understates traffic volume. If we are to believe this, it means that it’s possible that actually gets more traffic than what the comScore data shows, which means that gets even less traffic than’s true traffic volume.

In any case, why is it only Qihoo that always says all these other independent third parties are understating their traffic? No other company out of China is making this claim.

It’s funny because iResearch uses sampling data too, but Qihoo has no problem referring to iResearch 66 times in their IPO.


回答:我们提供的comScore关于hao.360.cn的数据是用加码方式收集的 ,也就是抓取100%流量,这并不是抽样,而是全部流量。然而,我们对比 和 hao123.com数据时, 使用的是抽样数据,因为hao123并没有加comScore代码。但奇虎也曾多次表示过由于杀毒软件,抽样数据相对于总流量来说事实上是一个保守的统计。如果是这样,这意味着可能hao123比comScore显示的数据拥有更多地流量,而 实际比 hao123的真实流量低得更多。



Hope these answers are informative.




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